The following snippet shows how to write a file in the internal storage (standard location, not cache).

val filename = "ourfile.txt"

val out = openFileOutput(filename, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) // (1)
out.use { // (2)
  out.write(txtinput.text.toString().toByteArray()) // (3)

(1) openFileOutput returns a FileOutputStream object. The first parameter of the call is name of the file we want to create. The second parameter is a Context mode. You’re already know this from the previous chapter. We’re using MODE_PRIVATE because we want the file to be private to our app

(2) the use extension means I don’t have to close file explicitly or manually. As soon as we’re done using it, the Android runtime will close it for us. This is pretty handy considering that a lot of developers forget to close the files. Leaving a file handle open until the app terminates causes memory-leak. The use extension is Kotlin’s equivalent of Java’s try-with-resources

(3) The write method expects ByteArray. So, we need to convert the Editable (data type of EditText) to a String, then convert it to a ByteArray

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